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Media Advisory - Unifor media conference and worker rally ahead of Bell executive testimony!
OTTAWA— On Tuesday March 19, Unifor will hold a media conference followed by a Bell worker rally prior to the testimony of Bell executives before the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage.
Executives from Bell Canada Enterprises Inc. were originally scheduled to testify on February 29 to answer for the recent termination of 9% of its workforce. The appearance was delayed to March 19 at the company’s request and has now been further postponed.
Unifor represents more than 19,000 telecommunications workers at BCE Inc. and its subsidiaries. The union also represents more than 2,100 members at Bell Media.
WHAT: Unifor media conference
WHERE: Parliament Hill, West Block, 135-B Press Conference Room.
Participation in the question and answer portion of this event is in person or via Zoom, and is for accredited members of the Press Gallery only. Media who are not members of the Press Gallery may contact @email for temporary access.
WHEN: 11:00 a.m. Tuesday, March 19, 2024
WHO: Lana Payne, Unifor National President
Daniel Cloutier, Unifor Quebec Director
Kevin Newman, award winning news anchor and journalist for ABC, Global, CBC and Bell Media’s CTV News and W5.
WHAT: Unifor Bell worker rally and march
WHERE: Canadian Tribute to Human Rights Monument, 220 Elgin Street, Ottawa
WHEN: 12:00 p.m. Tuesday, March 19, 2024
WHO: Unifor elected leadership
Unifor telecommunication and media members employed by Bell